Collection: Callicrate WEE Bander products

Achieving adequate tightness is the single most essential component in reduc­ing stress during banding, according to animal welfare experts like Colorado State University animal science professor Temple Grandin.

“Previously, the only banding option available for the smaller animals was the green elastrator ring,” says Mike Callicrate, owner of No-Bull Enterprises, based in St Francis, Kansas. “We used the same simple technology, but combined it with a means of attaining proper tension, resulting in complete ligation. In replacing the elastrator rings, which lack sufficient tension and are considered the most stress­ful method of castrating young animals, the WEE Bander™ also provides an alternative to castration with a knife, which is probably the second most stressful method you can use.”

4 products
  • Callicrate WEE Bander™ Kit
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  • Bag of 100 Callicrate WEE Loops™
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  • Bag of 25 Callicrate WEE Loops™
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  • Callicrate WEE Loop Stretcher™
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